Friday, November 4, 2011

Week Eight

I realized that I didn't mention math last week.  Math continues to be, I think, Eleanor's favorite subject.  We've been working on shapes last week and this week.  She already knew most of her basic shapes, but the solid shapes were knew to her.  She fell in love with them and has been walking around all week pointing out cubes to me and her daddy. 
We worked on the letter h this week, which has had Eleanor very excited.  She's taken to asking me what letter we will work on next.  Then, if she doesn't already know the sound, she'll ask and try it out before the new week starts.  She's been doing very well with the Explode the Code primers we've been working on.  I was worried at first that they wouldn't provide enough review and practice and that she would forget letter sounds, but she been doing really well with it.

Her handwriting is much improved and she's able to write all of the letters we've worked on so far as well as her name without any help.  This week she surprised us all by writing the word mat on her whiteboard without any assistance at all!

This week we made play dough and had a lot of fun playing with it.  We were also going to work on predicting the temperature, but I had a lot of trouble finding a cheap outdoor thermometer that we could write on, so we'll have to do that later.

That was about it for the week.  I didn't take any  pictures this week and we skipped the creative expression assignment (again).  Hopefully I'll have pictures next week!