Friday, September 2, 2011

Week Two

Whew!  We made it through week two.  I think the novelty of "doing school" everyday with new school books has worn off already!  Once again she has loved math (except for writing numbers), loved being read to and hasn't minded the phonics work.  Handwriting has been like pulling teeth, though.  Our letter this week is b and she can write them pretty well.  But don't tell her that!  I complimented her a few times and she got upset and tried to hide them.  I don't know what that was all about.  She'd only try to write numbers if I was helping her. 

Highlights of our week:

After reading the nursery rhyme "One, Two" we lined up craft sticks like they do in the rhyme.  We counted them and then I grabbed them all and asked her how many were in my hand.  She counted again and got the same number.  I threw them in a pile and asked her how many there were.  She counted again and got the same number.  After a few times of doing this she realized that it didn't matter what shape or group they were in; the number of sticks always stayed the same.  She thought this was a great "trick" and showed everyone else when they got home from work.

Another nursery rhyme we read this week was "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater".  Sonlight suggested making pumpkin pancakes, but Eleanor doesn't eat pancakes.  Instead we made pumpkin cookies:





Yum!  They turned out great.

After reading about Noah's ark and God's rainbow, Eleanor painted a rainbow for her daddy:

And finally this week's writing assignment was to write an invitation.  Eleanor dictiated an invitation for me to write the her friends to invite them over:

We mailed it and the girls were going to come over today (instead of the day in the invite), but one of them got sick and they couldn't come, so we'll have to try another day.

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